Audit & Risk assessment |
Statutory Audit
Every company incorporated under the companies act 2013 and erstwhile company Act 1956 is required to get its accounts audited by a Chartered Accountant in Practice to ensure true and fair view of the accounts. Statutory audit of companies in India is prescribed by the Companies Act,2013. It comprises of reviewing compliance with accounting procedures, provisions of company law, tax laws and other related laws & standards and guidelines as recommended by the Institute of Chartered Accountants for India, in line with international accounting norms. Besides, we analyse and report on the performance of the company to the board of directors through meaningful ratios, cash flows and other analytical tools. The statutory audit team at Das & Prasad has been an integral part of the firm for over 58 years. Acknowledging the responsibility thrust on us as auditors, we observe the highest ethical and professional standards while discharging our duties as statutory auditors of a company. Our team of statutory audit consists of skilled individuals and chartered accountants trained extensively for conducting statutory audit under company act, income tax labour laws and other applicable laws.
Internal Audit & Risk Management
Internal Audit is a management tool used to review and evaluate the operations of the entity and guide the management in the initiation of corrective action. Our internal audit team works in an independent and objective manner to add value and improve an organization’s operations through our audit and assurance services. Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. Risk management’s objective is to assure uncertainty does not deflect the endeavor from the business goals. We have vast experience in this area.
Tax Audit
Stock Audit is an area of specialization and core competence for Das & Prasad. Internal Audit Services are our best because of our unparallel reach and all India network. Assets e.g. Stocks and physical assets such as raw materials are important real assets and need repeat watch. As a large number of companies are operating across the borders through multiple locations, some even with various channel partners, ensuring this watch is challenge. We offer our focused services to companies to keep them assured of their physical assets.
Management Audit
Management audit is an assurance service offered by Das & Prasad which involves the analysis and assessment of competencies and capabilities of a company’s management in order to evaluate their effectiveness, especially with regard to the strategic objectives and policies of the business. It guides the management to focus on areas of concern and works towards improving competitive edge and operational efficiency.
Information System Audit
The Information Systems (IS) audit group assesses the University's critical systems, technology architecture and processes to assure information assets are protected, reliable, available and compliant with University policies and procedures, as well as applicable laws and regulations. We emphasize the importance of mitigating security risks during our audit coverage of the University’s application, operating and networking systems. Through our integrated and IT governance audits, we evaluate information technology’s impact on the University’s processes and its abilities to achieve its goals and objectives. Our evaluations are objective and professional, utilizing COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and related Technology) framework, an international standard for good IT control practices.